Michal Pukala

1197 POSTS

How does Operational Amplifier operate? – Tutorial

Operational Amplifier Operational Amplifier – a direct current amplifier characterized by very high gain coefficient. It is mainly used for amplifying the voltage or power from...

What is Unipolar / Field-Effect Transistor? – Basics and Definition

Unipolar / FET Transistor Basics Field-Effect Transistor (FET) – Also known as Unipolar Transistor, is a three-ended (three electrodes), voltage-controlled semiconductor electronic component that has the ability...

How does Bipolar Transistor operate? – Definition and Tutorial

Bipolar Transistor Bipolar transistor - three-ended (three electrodes), current-controlled semiconductor electronic component, which has the ability to amplify the signals of direct current and alternating current, so every...

Capacitor Tutorial – Symbol, Parameters, Connections

Capacitor Capacitor - a fundamental passive electronic component (next to Inductor and Resistor), which is made of at least two electrical conductors (plates) and a dielectric...

What is the Solar Energy principle of operation? – Explanation

Solar Energy Solar energy is one of the best methods for providing almost unlimited amounts of energy for your home, and you may find that...

Cotlo Smart Bike – Car Detecting Bike

Cotlo Smart Bike Even when electric cycles change you down, maybe you nevertheless enjoy a few of the digital alarms and whistles which are incorporated...

What is the Digital Stethoscope principle of operation?

Digital Stethoscope Whatever the technical progress produced in the area of medicine, the stethoscope has, for the large part, stayed unchanged. Silicon Valley startup Eko...

Gunn Diode working principles – Definition, Characteristics and Applications

Gunn Diode (e.g. TED - Transferred-Electron Device) - type of the semiconductor or vacuum form of diode, which is designed to operate in the...

Drones with weapons are now legal in U.S.

  Laws around drone use is of utmost significance for his or her hardware and software developers, along with companies expecting to take advantage of...

Photodiode definition – How does a photodiode work

Photodiode definition Photodiode - a type of semiconductor diode that serves as a photo detector. Its electrical properties are dependent on the light radiation that is illuminating...

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