NewsValencia Employs LoRaWAN® Technology to Combat Energy Poverty and Enhance Air Quality...

Valencia Employs LoRaWAN® Technology to Combat Energy Poverty and Enhance Air Quality Monitoring

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Valencia’s Initiative to Mitigate Energy Poverty Through Advanced Sensor Network

Valencia, Spain’s third most populous city, has embarked on an ambitious project under the guidance of Fundació Clima i Energia. This initiative sees the deployment of over 130 air quality sensors throughout the urban landscape in a technological collaboration with Damal Redes. These efforts are part of a broader plan to combat energy poverty and improve the quality of life for its residents.

Deployment of Advanced Sensor Network

The project involves the strategic placement of air quality sensors that utilize LoRaWAN® technology, known for its long-range and low-power communication capabilities. These sensors are designed to monitor various environmental parameters crucial for assessing air quality and related health risks.

Energy Poverty in Urban Valencia

Valencia faces the critical challenge of energy poverty, which affects nearly a quarter of its households. The lack of access to affordable and sustainable energy services contributes to health issues, including respiratory diseases and cardiovascular complications, among other acute conditions. The sensor deployment aims to provide valuable data to mitigate these risks.

ICT and Collaborative Efforts

Damal Redes, an ICT specialist company, has been at the forefront of this project, supporting the Fundació Clima i Energia in supervising the Wellbased and Ebento projects. These projects focus on deploying sensors to assess indoor environmental conditions, thus aiding in the energy efficiency enhancement of buildings.

Technological Innovations and the Helium Network

The inclusion of the Helium Network has significantly advanced Valencia’s environmental monitoring capabilities. The Helium Network offers a decentralized IoT connectivity solution, which when paired with LoRaWAN® technology, delivers unparalleled data acquisition capabilities for low-power devices.

Statements from Project Leaders

Leaders from both Damal Redes and the Helium Foundation have expressed confidence in the impact of this technological collaboration. The high success rate in sensor installation and the potential for real-time environmental data acquisition have been highlighted as key factors in this impactful project.

Environmental Goals and the Covenant of Mayors

Valencia’s pledge to reduce GHG emissions by 40% by 2030 is a commitment that aligns with the objectives of the Covenant of Mayors. The partnership with Damal Redes and Helium reflects the city’s proactive approach to achieving these environmental goals.

EU Backing and the Fight Against Energy Poverty

The Wellbased and Ebento projects, supported by the European Union, exemplify the concerted efforts to address energy poverty. This collaboration with Damal Redes, Helium, and LoRa Alliance® members marks a significant stride towards harnessing innovative technology for public and private welfare in urban settings.

Michal Pukala
Electronics and Telecommunications engineer with Electro-energetics Master degree graduation. Lightning designer experienced engineer. Currently working in IT industry.
