NewsHigh Speed PIN Photodiodes VEMD5510C and VEMD5510CF

High Speed PIN Photodiodes VEMD5510C and VEMD5510CF

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Vishay has released high-speed PIN photodiodes that have a constant increase in parametric sensitivity for visible light. Ideally suited for wearable applications, industrial and medical use and operation. The models are named VEMD5510C and VEMD5510CF, offering very fast switching times, low capacity and rigidity in surface mount packages with infrared filters and black packaging.

VEMD5510CF model

The VEMD5510C offers sensitivity from 440 nm to 700 nm, while the VEMD5510CF offers sensitivity from 440 nm to 620 nm. Both models support a large area of radiant sensitivity of 7.5 mm2. The reverse current of the light beam is for the VEMD5510C 0.6 uA, while for the VEMD5510CF 0.26 uA. The attenuation filter installed on the chip reduces interference from non-visible light, while using the black housing for photodiode reduces the lateral illumination. With these filter technologies, Vishay achieved a spectral frequency of less than 5% for wavelengths greater than 800 nm for the VEMD5510C model, and for the VEMD5510CF for more than 700 nm, which gives results close to what the human eye sees.

VEMD5510CF maximum ratings

The models are available in sizes 5 mm x 4 mm x 0.9 mm which allows design applications in slim solutions. Photodiodes have been designed for applications in heart rate sensors for smart clothing, biomedical sensors and sports equipment.

VEMD5510CF dimensions

Both models offer a operating temperature of -40 ° C to +100 ° C, wavelengths for peak sensitivity of 550nm and 540nm, and RoHS, halogen-free and Vishay Green.

Michal Pukala
Electronics and Telecommunications engineer with Electro-energetics Master degree graduation. Lightning designer experienced engineer. Currently working in IT industry.
