NewsTATA Enters the Semiconductor Market to become an OSAT

TATA Enters the Semiconductor Market to become an OSAT

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Tata Group, one of India’s biggest conglomerates is announcing its plans to enter the outsourcing semiconductor assembly and testing (OSAT) business. The chairman of the company, N. Chandrasekaran, said that the decision is strategic and aimed to improve the nation’s technological capabilities as well as reducing dependence on imports.

The OSAT facility is set to be created in collaboration together with India’s Indian Government, is expected to concentrate on the production of a variety of semiconductors for different industries like telecommunications, aerospace, and automotive. The chairman said that the plan will not only create employment and spur economic growth but also assist in establishing India as a world-class leader in the field of semiconductors.

Chandrasekaran stressed that the project will not just create jobs and boost economic growth but will also establish India as a major leader in the field of semiconductors. He also said that the company is determined to invest into research and development in order to make sure the products produced in India are in line with international standards.

The decision of the Tata Group is a significant step in the direction of achieving the Indian government’s goal of making India a self-sufficient country in terms of technology. The government has taken diverse measures to boost manufacturing at home, including tax incentives and subsidy.

The project is in the beginning stages of development, and additional details, such as the location of the facility as well as the amount of investment required will not be revealed. But it is apparent that Tata Group’s entrance into the manufacturing of semiconductors could result in a major change in the nation’s technological landscape.

Michal Pukala
Electronics and Telecommunications engineer with Electro-energetics Master degree graduation. Lightning designer experienced engineer. Currently working in IT industry.
