NewsSTMicroelectronics Simplifies IoT Device Connectivity to AWS Cloud with STM32Cube Software

STMicroelectronics Simplifies IoT Device Connectivity to AWS Cloud with STM32Cube Software

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STMicroelectronics, a leading global semiconductor manufacturer, has introduced a new software package to streamline the connection of high-performance Internet of Things (IoT) devices to the Amazon Web Services (AWS) cloud. This development is a significant step forward in enabling seamless and secure IoT applications.

The new offering, known as the X-CUBE-AWS-H5 expansion package, is tailored to the STM32H5 series of microcontrollers. These microcontrollers are designed to serve as end devices, catering to the growing demand for IoT solutions. This expansion package leverages the power of the FreeRTOS open-source real-time operating system and ST’s Secure Manager embedded security software.

The STM32H5 series, often hailed as one of the most potent Arm Cortex-M33 MCU series, has earned its reputation as a reliable choice for IoT edge devices. It can handle complex applications efficiently while operating within tight energy constraints. According to Daniel Colonna, STM32 Marketing Director at STMicroelectronics, “The STM32H5 is ready for the next generation of IoT edge devices, bringing the performance to handle complex applications within a tight energy budget.”

One standout feature of the STM32H5 series is the immutable identity each device receives during production at the ST factory. Combined with ST’s Secure Manager, this unique feature simplifies the process of registering smart devices with the AWS cloud. This eliminates the need for costly infrastructure typically required to safeguard the identities of IoT devices during production.

Additionally, the solution offers remote provisioning and credential administration through third-party service providers, both during device manufacturing and in the field. This flexibility enhances security and simplifies device management.

One of the key attributes of ST’s Secure Manager is its ability to provide multitenant IP protection, safeguarding the intellectual property of multiple stakeholders. This feature is crucial in scenarios where multiple parties are involved in the development, manufacturing, and deployment of IoT devices.

The STM32Cube ecosystem, combined with STM32H5 microcontrollers, offers developers a robust and secure platform for IoT applications. This platform is fully aligned with future regulations and standards. Introduced in March 2023, STM32H5 is the first in its class to support Secure Manager and is designed to meet PSA Certified level 3 and SESIP3 certifications.

In an era where IoT applications continue to proliferate, STMicroelectronics is taking a significant stride forward in simplifying the development and deployment of secure and high-performance IoT devices, ensuring they are well-prepared to meet the challenges of the connected world.

What is FreeRTOS open-source real-time operating system

FreeRTOS is an open-source real-time operating system (RTOS) designed for embedded systems and IoT devices. An RTOS is an operating system that is specifically optimized for applications where precise timing and real-time responsiveness are critical.

FreeRTOS provides a kernel that manages the scheduling of tasks or threads, allowing developers to create applications that run with deterministic timing and can respond to external events in real-time. It’s particularly well-suited for microcontroller-based systems and other resource-constrained devices.

Key features of FreeRTOS include:

  • Task Management: FreeRTOS allows developers to create multiple tasks or threads, each with its own priority and execution context. This enables the concurrent execution of tasks in a deterministic manner.
  • Resource Management: The RTOS provides mechanisms for managing and synchronizing access to shared resources, such as semaphores, mutexes, and queues. This helps prevent data corruption and race conditions.
  • Interrupt Handling: FreeRTOS provides an interrupt management mechanism that allows developers to prioritize and handle hardware interrupts efficiently.
  • Tickless Low-Power Mode: FreeRTOS includes a tickless idle mode that reduces power consumption during periods of inactivity, which is crucial for battery-powered devices.
  • Portability: FreeRTOS is highly portable and supports a wide range of microcontroller architectures and development environments. This makes it suitable for various embedded systems.
  • Memory Management: FreeRTOS includes a memory allocation scheme designed for embedded systems with limited memory resources.
  • Real-Time Clock (RTOS Tick): It uses a configurable time-keeping mechanism (the RTOS tick) to measure time and trigger task scheduling.

FreeRTOS is widely used in embedded systems development due to its open-source nature, portability, and robust real-time capabilities. Developers can access the FreeRTOS source code, making it customizable to fit the requirements of specific projects. Additionally, it has a large user community and extensive documentation, making it a popular choice for building reliable and responsive embedded and IoT applications.

Michal Pukala
Electronics and Telecommunications engineer with Electro-energetics Master degree graduation. Lightning designer experienced engineer. Currently working in IT industry.
