ON Semiconductor has added a Schottky diode with an operating voltage of 650V type SiC to its offer. Thanks to the use of silicon carbide material, the Schottky diode has increased the switching speed with better power efficiency and improved the quality of parallel connections of other devices.
The new model of the Schottky 650 V diode is characterized by a positive temperature coefficient, current stability independent of the operating temperature, low conduction voltage, temperature stability of the work current and zero reverse recovery. The diodes can be mounted in SMD technology and in SMT technology in the range of 6 A to 60 A. The smallest dimensions of the new Schottky 650 V SiC diode allow for the construction of PV inverters, power supplies for telecommunications equipment, power supplies for database centers, PFC converters, signal amplifiers and simultaneous greater efficiency.
ON Semiconductor SiC Schottky 650 V diodes allow operation in conditions from -55 ° to 175 ° of C. As mentioned earlier, due to their structure, they can provide better power performance, better work efficiency, the higher value of power density at their smaller sizes. The low VF forward voltage and the zero value of the inverse recovery charge allow to reduce power losses. Faster switching speeds thanks to the use of SiC diodes allow to reduce the size of magnetic and passive elements in devices that provide higher power density. Sensitivity to shock currents has been increased.
The SiC Schottky diode structure construction allows to increase the stability of operation and improve mechanical strength. The subsequently patented technologies include improved parameters of switching inductivity and low leakage currents.
The ON Semiconductor company priced its diode Schottky SiC 650 V at $ 1.30 to $ 14.39. The diode was packed in the DPAK, TO-247 and TO-220 standard.
You can check sample datasheet and information about Schottky SiC 650V FFSD1065A: SiC Diode – 650V, 10A, DPAK model.
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