BMWs are famous for a variety of things, including the performance, luxury and pedigree. However, BMW drivers are known by one characteristic: their inconsideration to other drivers on the road. The stereotype is best illustrated by the complete absence of turning signals According to Marc Radinovic. To fix this problem and improve the image of BMW drivers the engineer utilized Arduino to design an educational device.
Radinovic connected this device to his vehicle that he was not going to disassemble. Therefore, he stayed clear of tapping into the CAN bus through numerous hardware. This hardware comprises two Nano 33 BLE boards, an Uno WiFi Rev. 2 and the Raspberry Pi one-board PC. Every Nano 33 BLE has an integrated 9-axis IMU which Radinovic employs to track steering wheel movements as well as turn signal stalk movements.

Each of the Nano 33 BLE boards communicate with the Uno WiFi board that connects to the Raspberry Pi via serial. When the wheel is moved but the turn signal does not move, the WiFi communicates with that the Raspberry Pi to blast an angry effect on your car’s audio system. This is the negative reinforcement that’s part of the instruction program. Positive reinforcement is provided by making congratulatory sounds when the driver is using their turn signal prior to turning the steering wheel.
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