Recom recently introduced new AC/DC converters for use in intelligent building systems. RAC01-G and RAC02-G models have joined the RAC series with low power and EN60335 compliant converters currently used in single family homes.
The new AC/DC converters have been manufactured to provide the most efficient and sustainable power supply for intelligent buildings. The input voltage range from 100 V to 240 V AC allows the use of power supply circuits around the globe. Output voltages from 5V to 12V DC are used to power logic gates, power relays and home automation systems. Energy consumption of 180 mW in standby mode shows how these systems are economical. They have protection against short circuits, against overloads. The operating temperature of the Recom AC/DC converters ranges from -25 degrees Celsius to +80 degrees Celsius. The product warranty period is 3 years. Converters comply with EN60950 and EN62368. Dimensions of the housing of both converters are 33.7 x 22.2 x 19 mm.
Both products are compatible with class A and B, which is obtained without further modification. The manufacturer makes product samples available at his distributors. We encourage all willing customers to test and review the presented AC/DC converters.