Imagine all the possibilities that can be created by integrating powerful sensors and advanced AI into one of the most beloved outdoor jackets, with a history dating back more than 50 years. Imagine being able to sense and interact with your surroundings like never before.
We created this at Arduino by enclosing Nicla Sense ME from Arduino into the K-Way Jacket, powered with Edge Impulse AI to sense the outside world and allow us to create smart clothing.
The Nicla Sense ME is nestled in a silicone mold and attached to the iconic K-Way zipper to help you monitor, program, and work with the most important environmental data.

The Nicla Sense Me on the K-Way jacket detects in real-time when your air is polluted and can alert you to changing weather conditions. It communicates with you via a LED on board or a smart-phone app.
What would you do with this technology? This question may be intriguing to you. Get ready to pitch your idea. Arduino will, with Edge Impulse’s support, select the top submissions and send a jacket along with a Nicla Sensor ME to help you develop your ideas.