Have you ever dreamed of blending both amazing actions putt-putt and Join Four together to precisely exactly the exact identical match? Well one bold maker set out to do that. Bithead’s innovative design entails a miniature golf surface with seven holes in the end corresponding to the columns. The machine can keep track of where every golf ball is using a range of 42 colour detectors which are each attached to one of the seven I2C multiplexers, all resulting in one Arduino Uno.
The participant can pick from six different levels of AI, all of the way from arbitrary shots from the dark to Q Learning, which documents preceding game-winning moves to enhance the way that it performs over time. It may putt by loading a golf ball to a room and then turning up a set of high-RPM motors which start it. For your human participant, there’s a set of shirts around the left which provide the right color of the ball.

The whole system operates on an Intel NUC which hosts the match that was written in C#. There is a sizable 22″ touchscreen in the front which is mounted in eye-level for simple interactions. Even though it required Bithead almost 18 weeks and $3,500, the final result is magnificent.