NewsHigh density power is needed to keep pace with projected 20X growth...

High density power is needed to keep pace with projected 20X growth in New Space

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Satellite companies that compete within”New Space “New Space” space are responsible for offering solutions that can enable the 20x increase in bandwidth for the internet in the coming 10 years. The challenges in creating, developing and the launch of satellites in order to meet this need are immense. The biggest obstacle is simultaneous requirements to reduce satellites while simultaneously increasing the speed of data transmission. One of the biggest issues to overcome is the powering of advanced, high-current communication ASICs. To attain this increase in throughput requirements satellite power developers have to deliver 20X-30X more power for the workload than the older systems can in addition to reducing the size, weight and price of the power delivery networks (PDN). These demands will always be in conflict and will continue to increase in the near future.

The vastly improved power density helps to solve this issue in New Space low-earth-orbit (LEO) and mid-earth orbit (MEO) satellites as power modules that can deliver the highest current required for today’s AI-driven computing systems. With a proven radiation tolerance, they’re an ideal fit to the needs of the growing LEO as well as MEO space market. With 100V to 0.8V solution that’s five times more power-dense than the nearest competitor and a performance that offers up to 50% reduction in power losses this latest generation of PDNs has unbeatable capacity for the developers of satellite communications systems that need to minimize size, weight and cost in order to meet strict specifications for their mission.

Michal Pukala
Electronics and Telecommunications engineer with Electro-energetics Master degree graduation. Lightning designer experienced engineer. Currently working in IT industry.
