EducationWhat is the Solar Energy principle of operation? - Explanation

What is the Solar Energy principle of operation? – Explanation

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Solar Energy

Solar energy is one of the best methods for providing almost unlimited amounts of energy for your home, and you may find that installing a solar panel system at home is the best way to reduce costs and protect the planet. But how does it work? And do they actually help save your money? You will find answer below.

How does solar energy operate?

To understand how it operates, you must understand a few simple facts:

  • The sunlight that reaches the earth is almost entirely composed of photons.
  • Solar panels are composed of two layers: an additional protons layer and the other with additional electrons layer.
  • When sunlight hits the solar panels, photons hit loose electrons in the upper layer.
  • Electrons are arranged in contact with the protons of the lower layer, and an electric current is generated during that process.
  • The electric current is generated by the floating electrons passing through a wiring system with a battery, where it is stored for later use. While the actual construction of the devices is more complex, all you need to know is that these devices operate through simple electrical principles.
  • They store energy at night.

Many people wonder how does solar energy work at night, when the sun is down. The answer is that a solar energy system is not operating during the night. It depends on the energy of the sun (how good is the exposure to sun rays), and in the absence of sunlight no solar energy will be generated. Strong solar systems are able to generate and store enough energy during the day to keep a household running overnight, but weaker ones provide enough power only for a few hours of the night.

solar energy

Protecting the Planet

Instead of relying entirely on the energy company, all the energy you need to run your home you can obtain from using the sun’s energy. It also helps to protect our planet. Solar energy, as you may already know is 100 % natural, 100 % safe and 100 % clean. The power company, on the other hand, gets its energy by burning fossil fuels and through the process of nuclear fusion, both of which harms/could harm the environment like we could see after Chernobyl (USSR) or Fukushima I (Japan) disasters.

Solar panels help protect the environment by reducing the amount of energy which is necessary for the energy company to power your home. If you use a solar panel system that collects enough solar energy for your home, you can completely disconnect from them and be on your own. There still may be not that much households using such solutions but the trend is growing. Imagine the difference it could make if every household in the world would produce its own energy.

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Michal Pukala
Electronics and Telecommunications engineer with Electro-energetics Master degree graduation. Lightning designer experienced engineer. Currently working in IT industry.
